Thursday, July 7, 2011

Black God - s/t 7"

I tend to do a lot of reviews I don't end up publishing. I over think them and sometimes a record comes out that doesn't need a story or a long winded explanation. This is that record.

This is Black God's first release. 6 songs, 7"s. No song over 2 minutes (BG rule #1), simple packaging, download code. Short, fast songs with vocals that are sometimes sung and sometimes yelled. Awesome riffs that get stuck in your head. This band is full of vets and if you like any of their previous bands you will love this. By The Grace of God, Coliseum, Young Widows, Black Cross etc.

Record sleeve has lyrics printed on back and comes with a download code. My copy is on a purplish marble. Total pressing of 1000 but no break down of colors. Get this asap at No Idea Records

Monday, July 4, 2011

Back from hiatus.

Things got a little crazy early this summer and I decided to give the blog a break to tend to other things for a while. I now feel I have a bit more time to devote to this and am happy to be back at it! I have a pile of records waiting to go up on the site so please keep checking back. I will have reviews going up in the next few days for Black God, Jesuit, Melvins, Rosetta and more.

Also like I have mentioned in the past I have extended an offer to some friends to review some records as well so hopefully I will have something new to post from those people in the weeks to come.

Thanks for sticking with me!